Understanding Sedation During Dental Care For Kids in Broken Arrow, OK

by | Jul 11, 2019 | Dental

Parents are understandably nervous if a dentist recommends their child be sedated for a dental procedure. Parents should feel free to ask all the questions they have about safety issues and other aspects. A practitioner providing Dental Care For Kids in Broken Arrow OK will be happy to give knowledgeable answers to ease parents’ concerns.

Types of Sedation

Nitrous oxide, commonly called laughing gas, can be administered through a nose mask that the child is able to remove. For more extensive procedures, such as a root canal, an intravenous anesthetic can be a better option for youngsters. Essentially, that allows them to sleep through the treatment. They also may have moderate sedation with an oral tranquilizer. With that option, they stay conscious while feeling fully relaxed. They typically do not remember the procedure afterward.

Intravenous anesthetic during Dental Care For Kids in Broken Arrow OK requires an additional practitioner to be present, usually an anesthesiologist. Moderate sedation provided with an oral tranquilizer does not require extra supervision and monitoring of the child. Nitrous oxide is mild, and the effects disappear almost immediately after the nose mask is removed. The child does not sleep but loses any sense of anxiety. The youngster might even giggle or make silly comments.


After moderate or deep sedation, the child should rest for the remainder of the day. That doesn’t mean the youngster has to lie in bed, but watching TV, reading, or playing quietly are possible activities. After a root canal or other extensive dental treatment under IV anesthesia, the child may not feel fully well the next day either. Parents should expect that the child might miss another day of school.

Getting Information

The parents may want to ask the specific medication that will be used at a clinic like Kid’s Dental. Then, they can do their own research if they think of additional questions later. Dentists should be willing to provide that information without hesitation. They will also give the parents instructions on caring for the child after the treatment, such as the types of food that can be eaten and how often a prescription pain medication can be provided.

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