Protect the Health of Your Smile with General Dentistry in Claremont CA

by | Jul 8, 2019 | Dental Care

General dentistry involves treatments to protect the health of the smile. When someone sees their dentist as often as recommended, they are more likely to be able to keep cavities and gum disease at bay. Seeking General Dentistry in Claremont CA is one of the most important things a person can do to ensure their oral health is protected and their smile looks beautiful.

Why Is Dental Care So Important?

Most people know they need to see the dentist a couple of times a year, but not everyone is proactive in protecting their smile. When an individual does not see the dentist often, they can end up developing oral health issues that can cause permanent damage to their teeth.

When individuals see the dentist, their teeth are carefully cleaned to remove any plaque and tartar that may be present. When these substances are not removed, they can slowly erode the enamel and eventually cause decay to set in. While plaque can be removed at home, tartar can only be removed with special dental tools. Even with proper brushing, there are certain areas of the teeth that are not easily cleaned and these vulnerable areas can begin to develop problems.

What Happens If Decay Occurs?

If an individual ends up developing a cavity, they need to seek General Dentistry in Claremont CA. Cavities are best treated in their earliest stages before major damages begin to occur. The dentist will first X-ray the tooth to determine how deep the cavity runs. They will then use special tools to remove the damaged areas. The filling material will need to be put in place to close the damaged area and ensure the nerve is not exposed.

Cavities that are not filled will continue to degrade the teeth and lead to major oral health concerns. Those who are in need of dental care should call the office of Albert G Leung DDS Inc. With regular visits to the dentist, oral health is protected.

If you have been neglecting the health of your smile, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Call the office today, so you can get started. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.

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