What Services Are Available Through Dentists In Pampa, TX?

by | Aug 21, 2018 | Dentist

In Texas, professional dental services mitigate the most common reasons for gum disease and tooth loss. The services include but are not limited to comprehensive dental exams, cleanings, and restorative measures. Select cosmetic treatments are available to patients if they prefer. Local Dentists in Pampa TX offer the full array of services to their entire patient roster.

Repairing Cracks and Breaks

Cracks and breaks are possible if the tooth has become compromised. The effects of tobacco use and improper oral care are the leading causes of sudden breaks and cracks. Dentists perform repairs such as dental bonding and the installation of crowns to correct damage and protect the tooth more fully.

Eliminating Discoloration and Staining

Discoloration and stains are caused by the aging process, medication, and the consumption of stain-producing foods and beverages. Smoking can also produce serious stains on tooth enamel. Dentists provide professional teeth whitening treatments to eliminate stains quickly. With severe stains, the patient needs more than one treatment to see maximum results. However, for some patients, dentists install veneers to restore the color of the teeth.

Installing Dental Implants

Dental implants are installed in one-to-two dental visits. First, the dentist must install the titanium root that is placed through the tooth socket and secured to the jawbone. Once the gums have healed, the implant crown is installed and connected to the titanium root. Once the procedure is completed and the gums heal, patients have a natural-looking tooth that performs the same as the natural teeth.

Replacement Choices for Missing Teeth

Patients who cannot afford dental implants review options for replacing their missing teeth. The options may include dentures or bridges. The devices are designed as removable or permanently installed options. Select devices are covered more fully through most major dental insurance policies.

In Texas, professional dental services are available to lower risks of tooth loss and periodontal disease. The services eliminate potential issues that hinder the smile or affect how patients chew or speak. Local dental professionals present efforts to correct damage and eliminate common problem such as stains. Patients who need to schedule an appointment with local Dentists in Pampa TX are encouraged to contact Panhandle Dental or Visit the Website right now.

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