The tooth structure consists of two parts: the “crown”, or visible part of the tooth, and the “root” that holds the tooth. A tooth’s structural components are the tooth enamel, or the hard outer coating, the dentin that lies underneath the enamel, the dental pulp, and the cementum. The dental pulp is the soft tissue in the center of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. When there is tooth decay or tooth is broken due to trauma, oral bacteria are set to attack the pulp and destroy its soft tissues. Then infections spread below the root canal and the tissues surrounding the tooth becomes red and inflamed. This damaged tooth is then treated with a Root Canal Procedure in Austin TX. This is a dental procedure used to treat bacterial infections in the pulp. During the procedure, the infected nerves, blood vessels, and dead tissue dental pulp are removed and roots are cleaned and sealed with fillings to prevent further infection.
Advantages of root canals
A Root Canal Procedure in Austin TX eliminates tooth pulp infections and provides essential aid to people suffering from excruciating pain. Many people are impatient and have apprehensions that they may experience pain during treatment. However, dentists take appropriate measures so that each patient does not feel pain. In addition, it is an absolutely safe procedure which provides several positive effects felt shortly after treatment.
Cheaper alternatives
A cheaper alternative to a root canal is the extraction of said tooth. In fact, a few decades ago, most people had to opt for an extraction to get relief from a toothache. Its biggest drawback is that the vacuum created by the missing tooth causes a lot of discomfort when chewing and biting. If this space is not filled, it can lead to movement of the neighboring teeth. This results in crooked teeth and it is a great challenge to keep crooked teeth clean. Therefore, these teeth can be destroyed by bacteria as well. Even the replacement of the gap with a false tooth is quite uncomfortable because it is not often spaced correctly. A canal treatment saves the natural tooth so people are not faced with these problems. Click here to learn more.
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