How Does the Dentist Place Partial Dentures in Syracuse NY?

by | Dec 1, 2016 | Dentist

Partial dentures can be used to replace teeth that are missing in the mouth. A partial denture is much like a full set of dentures because they feature prosthetic gums and teeth, depending on how many teeth need to be replaced. The partial also features a metal framework that holds the partial in place. Most partials attach with clamps that are placed around adjoining teeth. This allows them to be put in place and remain stable while chewing. With this information, individuals will learn more about Partial Dentures Syracuse NY.

A patient will need to go through a series of appointments before they receive their complete Partial Dentures Syracuse NY. The dentist will use these appointments to determine how the partial needs to be created, so it will provide a perfect fit for the patient’s unique oral health needs. Before the dentist can begin creating the partial, they will need to examine the patient and make sure there are no signs of gum disease or decay that would need to be treated first.

Impressions will be made of the mouth, so the dental lab will be able to create a precise dental appliance for the patient. The dentist may need to create crowns for adjacent teeth, depending on their health and stability. Before the final partial is created, the dental lab will create models so they can be fitted in the patient’s mouth. Once the final partial has been created, the dentist will work to ensure the patient knows how to place their partial.

A partial can be removed for cleaning purposes and should be removed at night to allow the gums to rest. The dentist will instruct the patient on proper care and placement of their partial, so they will be able to use it without issue.

To learn more about partial dentures, Visit the website. Call Elite Dental & Denture PC and ask them to schedule you a consultation appointment so you can get started on the process. With a partial denture, you can rest assured your smile will be made complete, so you no longer have to deal with difficulty chewing.

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