Have You Been Considering Dental Reconstruction in Lumberton, TX?

by | Aug 30, 2016 | Dentists & Clinics

If you have been considering a dental reconstruction in Lumberton, TX, the process can take quite a while. That is because dental reconstruction is a personalized process. In order to understand reconstructive procedures, you need to better understand the other facets of dentistry.

What is Reconstructive Dentistry?

Reconstructive dentistry refers to procedures that are designed to repair damaged teeth, replace damaged teeth, address gum or jawbone damage, or correct faulty bites. Treatment for diseases of the mouth may be included as well. Each of the procedures may be performed separately by a dentist. However, when a patient exhibits several dental health issues, dental reconstruction is frequently advised.

What is Involved?

Also called full mouth restoration, the proposed dental reconstruction may include any of the following therapies:

  • Dental restoration in the form of bridges, inlays, fillings or onlays.

  • Implant dentistry.

  • Cosmetic procedures, including the placement of porcelain veneers, dental bonding, teeth whitening or re-contouring of the gums.

  • Neuromuscular dentistry or TMD treatment – a therapy that corrects the temporomandibular joints or bite.

  • Bruxism treatments to resolve teeth grinding and the related symptoms.

  • Oral surgery in the form of hard tissue grafting or a root canal.

  • Periodontal treatments, including root scaling or periodontal surgery.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Any patient who has multiple dental problems that are affecting the supporting tissues or the teeth is a good candidate for a dental reconstruction. If you require more extensive oral surgery, you should be in good enough health to receive either a general or local anesthesia to begin the process. Any special needs patients need to go to a dentist who has handled cases similar to theirs.

Regardless of what you need to have done, a dental reconstruction can give you a whole new lease on life. Therefore, it is important to partner with a dentist who is well-versed in various dental processes. Establish a plan of action with a professional, so that you can realize the benefits of sound dental health.

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