In Nevada, dental patients face circumstances in which extractions are necessary. They are vital when the tooth may threaten the patient’s health. They are also a source of relief if the tooth is causing extensive pain and suffering. Local dentists provide a Tooth Extraction in Sparks NV when these conditions are present.
Severe Damage that Cannot be Repaired
Severely damaged teeth are reviewed by the dentist. If the dentist cannot repair the tooth due to severe damage, he or she may recommend an extraction. Teeth that are broken extensively cannot be repaired through traditional measures. When all options fail, the dentist schedules an extraction.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
An impacted wisdom tooth presents pain and a risk of infection. These teeth are often covered by a gum flap. When this happens, bacteria may accumulate and cause a severe infection. The dentist must provide antibiotics to eliminate the condition. Once the infection is gone, the dentist performs a surgical extraction. They provide pain medication to keep the patient comfortable.
The Impact of an Accident Injury
Accidents in which the patient’s face or mouth is injured require fast assistance. The dentist provides an extraction if the patient’s teeth are too damaged. They may also provide cosmetic procedures if the patient loses several teeth at once. This restores their smile and necessary function such as chewing and speaking properly. The dentist may provide emergency services when an accident occurs.
A Failed Root Canal
A root canal is often the last step for saving a damaged tooth. Dentists perform this procedure by drilling open the tooth and removing the pulp and the nerve. The tooth is sealed with a filling or a crown is installed. If the root canal fails, the dentist performs an extraction to remove the damaged tooth.
In Nevada, dental patients will need an extraction when damage is too extensive. Dentists perform a variety of services to repair damaged teeth. However, these treatments don’t save the tooth in all cases. Teeth that cause severe pain for the patient are removed through these services. Patients that need a Tooth Extraction in Sparks NV should schedule an appointment with Sparks Dental.